Sierra API & Visualized Data Analysis
2017 SCIUG Conference at Chapman University (Oct. 10)
Presented by Seong Heon Lee, Systems & Technology Librarian
Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library, Chapman University
Welcome everyone. Hi, my name is SeongHeon. I am a systems & technology librarian at Chapman University Law Library.
First of all, thank you all for being my audience. Today, I want to share about Sirera SQL API and Visualized Data Analysis.
This presentation is motivated by my summer project, that creates an automated/visualized report using Sierra SQL API.
Even though I am still on the progress of the project, I found some useful things that I want to share with you.
When SCIUG requsted presentation proposals, they also sent out a list of interests. I find that many members are
interested in alternative ways of doing library business analysis. And I could also see an interest of Sierra API.
I thought that two interests can be combined as one subject. This presentation would be that one.
I hope that you learn some useful things with this presentation.
Final Product Preview
Circulation Transaction Report
Why don't we start with previewing an outcome that you are expected to build yourself after this presentation.
This will give us a chance to understand our goal of this presentation. During the last summer, I developed
a circulation transaction report using Sierra SQL API and Plotly. The basic idea is to extract data from
Sierra's PostgreSql database (circ_trans table) and to create a visualized report.
Let's take a look at a sample outcome.
Why (1)?
Sierra has Web Management Reports
How many of you are using WMR?
What is your user exprience?
Decision Center
My first question is why we do need a custom report program. As you know, Sierra provides
with a build-in report prgoram, called Web Management Reports. How many of you are using WMR?
What is your user exprience? Personally, I do not have many words to say about it,
because I did not use it much. Preparing this presentation, I visited the report program to make
a quick evaluation. My first impression is that it has not been improved for a long time.
UI is old and not intuitive (Millenium logo, complex parameter setup). I know that Innovative has
a new data analytic product, Decision Center. Again, I have no word to say about Decision Center,
because I have no exprience. But I am sure that not all libraries are affordable to purchase the product.
Particularly for the libraries running a small or medium size of colletion, I am not sure
how much the product will pay off, even though they can purchase it.
Library administrators try to find a right balance in using money and its ROI, as other business operators do.
I think that Sierra API (SQL, REST) are great tools to leverage the gap. A local custom report program
might not do all things that Decision Center does. However, it can be sufficient to take care of our business.
Why (2)?
Who uses what?
Compare resource usages among libraries
Compare by other criteria:
patron types
item types
transaction times
Haven't you ever been curious about how different libraries use Sierra resources? Chapman
University have three branches setup in Sierra, Leatherby, Law Library, Brandman.
Our library director, in one day, threw a genuine question. Leatherby and Law Library equally
share the cost of Sierra. In terms of the size of collections and users, the main library Leatherby
should use more resources. That was a legitimate assumpton. She wanted to see some factual data
to prove or not prove that assumption.
This is one example of how data analysis can be useful. However, our interests can stretch
beyond this. We may want to compare library resource usages not only by libraries but also
by locations, patron types, item types, transaction times, etc.
Why (3)?
Why not?
Plenty of data visualization tools
Sirera offers APIs (Direct SQL & REST API)
Customize a data report as you wish
Why not? There are many data visualization tools available. Many of them are open source.
For example, D3 javasript library is very popular. You may heard of many buzz words like big data,
AI, machine learning, etc. Our generation try to understand large amount of data that is being produced
every single second through online services. Although libraries do not handle extremly large data as big
companies do, we, librarians, have also genuine interest in user behaviors and interactions.
Thankfully, Innovative has advocated Open Library Stacks (OLS) architecture. With the merger of Polaris
and VTLS, OLS idea becomes more important. The main idea is to create a hightly scalable cloud platform
to make their different products communicate each other. For this goal, APIs are critically important,
because APIs make data sharable among other products, which can be Innovative's another product, or third body of companies',
or your local program.
We, humans, are creative beings. We want to make reports in the format that we want. Not only data content,
but also data presentaiton matters. I know that you all have expriences in tweaking an excel file to create
a good report.
Exploring data is fun!
(Slide) Best motivation of all things: FUN! We are curious beings.
Plotly (Online & Offline)
Sierra SQL API
Some Examples (Sierra & Plotly)
Jupyter & Data Analysis
Now let's move on to the real part of presentation. First of all,
I will give you an idea on what I am going to cover. Here is the list. First,
I will start with Plotly library. I will demo how to create a chart online and offline.
Next, I will go through how to connect Sierra SQL API and get data from Sierra Database.
After that, I will combine the knowledge of both Plotly and Sierra SQL API. I will create
some example reports with Sierra data and Plotly charts. Finally, last but not the least,
I will introduce Jupyter, a data analysis tool, which is very popular among data scientists
for data analytics and communication.
What is Plotly?
A data analytics and visualization tool
Charts & Dashboard
Online and Offline
Open Source
D3.js(SVG) and (WebGL) for web graphics
Great API Documentation & Examples
Plotly Online
Show Plotly examples, different types of charts.
Create a sample chart of library checkouts.
A: Leatherby, Law, Brandman, Science, Music
B: 530, 280, 74, 50, 38
Bar, Pie, Scatter
We see that it is very easy to create a plotly chart online. To create a chart, we needed
data, plot type, attributes (axes)
Plotly Offline (1)
Support multiple languages (Python, R, MATLAB, JavaScript, etc)
Python Library
Plotly Offline Setup
Make the "first" offline chart (as a html file)
Interactive: display modeBar
How to embed charts in a html?
Now, I will demonstrate how to use Plotly offline. Plotly supports many languages, so that users can choose what they want.
Plotly maintains separate webpages for each language. We will choose Python.
Python Library pages show many examples and API documentation. For example, if you go Pie Chart,
you will see sample codes to create a chart. Comparing the API documentation and those examples,
you can undestand how to use the library. (Slide)
Before creating an actual offfline chart, we need to learn a little bit how to setup the offline library.
We will use the method, plotly.offline.plot().
(Code, offline/
Plotly Offline (2)
How to embed charts in a html?
offline library: output_type option (file, div)
a template engine (Jinja2)
a template html
an embed example
In most cases, we may need embeded charts. With simply changing an option of
output type to div, we can create a embedded chart.
And we will use template engine and a template html file. Why? Plotly programatically outputs a chart
in HTML div element. We need to embed the 'div' output in a report document, as written
in the template html.
(Code, offline/ >
Plotly Offline (3)
The plotly app output charts (bar_chart, pie_chart) as div, which will be feeded
into the template engine, Jinja2. The engine chooses a template file and embed the charts
in a specified HTML format.
Plotly: Summary
Creating different types of charts
Data, Plot, Attributes
Data from file, url, db connector
Online & Offline (output_type, offline.plot())
Template engine (Jinja2) and a template html
(Slide) >
Now, we covered most basics of Plotly Online and Offline.
Even being basic, they are enough foundation for the following section.
Let's move to the next topic, Sierra database.
Sierra SQL API
PostgreSQL relational database
Sierra_view schema & 349 tables (read only)
Special permisson to "Sierra SQL Access" required
Access to:
bibliogrphical data (bib, item, holding)
transactional data (circ_trans, fine, patron)
system parameters (location, custom codes, loanrule, properties)
By default, 5 concurrent connections per user
PGAdmin, SQL Client
Version 3 or 4
Connect to database
Run SQL queries
Show results in tables
Creating/testing SQL queries
The easiest way to work with Sierra database is using SQL Client. PostgreSQL has
its own SQL client, called PGAdmin. You can download it with PostgeSQL database on your local PC.(Slide)
(Slide) >
Setup PGAdmin
Setting PGAdmin is straightforward. (Slide) >
Know Sierra Database
Learn the structure of Sierra database
Category links and search box
Detailed table view
ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) view
Example: Transactions > Circulation > checkout
PGAdmin displays all viewable tables (349 tables under sierra_view schema).
To understand Sierra database, you need to spend some times. You may browse through all tables in PGAdmin.
However, often times, some tables or fields are not obvious to understand. Then, you can go and refer to
SierraDNA, which is the most valuable resource to learn Sierra database. It includes detailed descriptions
on tables and fields. To find the tables in your concern, you can follow category navigation links or
use the search box on the right top. SierraDNA shows not only detailed table view but also Entity Relationship
Diagram. ERD is useful sometimes to create a join queries because it visualizes relationships among tables.
Find Checkouts (PGAdmin Demo)
-- Search for checkedout
SELECT pv.home_library_code, pv.ptype_code, c.checkout_gmt, c.renewal_count, pv.barcode, c.item_record_id
FROM sierra_view.checkout AS c
JOIN sierra_view.patron_view AS pv ON = c.patron_record_id
WHERE NOW() - c.checkout_gmt <= interval '1 hours'
AND pv.home_library_code = 'lhome'
Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times. Let me show PGAdmin briefly.
And I will run an sample query in it. Once we are connected to Sierra database, you will see all tables
and fields. And you can see query pane and result pane. Right-clicking on a table, you can first 100 records.
The table shows all fields name and data types.
Plotly & Sierra
How to use Sierra data in Plotly?
Re-use Plotly offline script
But, with Sierra data
Three things:
get Sierra data (connection and query)
transform Sierra data to plotly data
generate a Plotly chart
Now, we have learned how to use Plotly and how to harvest Sierra data with a SQL query.
It is time to put them together. We will reuse the Plotly offline script, because visualization logic is
the same. However, this time, we will use actual Sierra data, instead of our dummy data. Here, we should
have in mind three things. (Slide) Because visualization part of Plotly script remains the same, we only need
to take care of the first two things: 1) getting data and 2) transforming it to the Plotly data format.
To get data, we need to connect and run a query on Sierra database. How do we do that in a Python program?
We will use a PostgreSQL database adapter, called psycopg2. With the psycopg2.
(the code "" ).
SQL Output
You may feel a little puzzled on the transformation part. Why do we need to transform
Sierra data before using it for Plotly? That's a good question.
It is not possible to feed a sql output directly into a plotly chart, because data structure is different.
I will use an example of a query of circulation transaction table (circ_trans). This is the SQL output. Each row
present a circulation transaction.
Let's picking one column (patron_home_library_code). We are going to present how many
circulation transactions happened by patron_home_library (Leahterby, Law, Brandman).
The column includes different patron_home_library_codes, which are associated to each circulation transaction.
For our purpose, we need to count transactions in that column by each different home_library_code.
Plotly X Y Axes
I have chart_data function that takes care of this business. The function reads through
each row of the patron_home_library_code column and count the transaction by the patron_home_library_code.
Finally, the function retuns a list that is right to feed into Plotly chart.
Look at the code again. (Code, "
The Plotly setup is exactly the same. We only changed the data part (x axis and y axis)
with the data that we get from Sirrra and transformed. Let's run the script,
Embed Sierra Charts
Can we embed multiple charts in one HTML page?
Use the same SQL output from circ_trans
Run data transformations on each column
Pltoly option: output_type = div
Pass the chart outputs to the template engine
Prepare a template html that presents multiple charts
Can we present multiple charts in a html document? Yes, we can. First of all,
we have already Sierra data (circulation transaction). For this time, we have to run data transformation
on each column (patron_home_library, ptype_code, time, op_code, itype_code, item_location). We now can feed
the transformed data of each column to Plotly. Let's set the plotly option: output_type=div,
so that Plotly will ouput charts to divs. The chart outputs will be passed to the template engine and
the multuple charts will be displayed as specified in the template html file.
Now let's run (the code "
Plotly Offline (3)
The plotly app output multiple charts as div, which will be passed
to the template engine, Jinja2. The engine uses a template file and embed the charts
as specified in the template HTML.
Interactive Program
Can we input specific options?
Python sys.argv - read user inputs from terminal
User Inputs:
days (10 => 5)
transaction types(o i f r = > o i)
ouput filename
python 5 oi sierra_interactive.html
Now, our program can create a ciculation transaction report with multiple charts. Currently,
our SQL query find four types transactions (i, o, f, r) in the last 10 days. What about if you want to find
only checkout and checkin in the last 5 days? Of course, you can change the sql query accordingly. However,
it is not a good idea to modify a sql query inside the program every time when we need a different serach.
We have a better way. Psycopg2 (PostgreSQL database adapter) can pass variables to SQL queries.
We will get a user input as variables using Python sys.argv. And we will pass them to a sql query
using psycopg adapter. In this way, we can create an interactive program.
I am going to demonstrate how it runs. I have three user inputs (days, transaction types, output filename).
(In teminal, run the script, sierra_chart_embed, interactively).
I will not go deeper on this subject. But this technique will be used in the next section, Jupyter.
Sierra SQL API & Plotly: Summary
PGAdmin to build SQL commands
SierraDNA to learn Sierra Database
Plotly's Python offline with Sierra data
Database adapter to connect (psycopg2)
Data transformation & template
Interactive program
What is Jupyter?
Web application with its own host
Open Sources Project of Ipython
Ipython: Interactive Python Shell
Data science and scientific computing
Interactive data visualization
Share code, data, plots, and explanation
Publish in pdf, html, slide, and more
Jupyter is a web application that can run on its own host. It started as an Open
Source Project of Ipython. Ipython is another project that enhances a Python shell for data science
and scientific computing (mathematics, physics, etc). In the Ipython shell, scientists can easily import
great tools like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SciPy. They can test their science experiments with running
programs interactively and find the result of their testing. Jupyter is a browser-based tool. Scientists
can do what they do with Ipython "on the browser". The great benefit of using Jupyter is sharing thoughts.
Jupyter has wonderful features: running codes (python, R, others), writing desciptions, data presentation,
and visualization of data with scientific plots.
Try Jupyter
Jupyter interface looks like this. On the top, there are menus and buttons.
For writing, we can use Markdown. In cells, we can write and run python codes. After running a code,
we can find output right below.
Again, seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times.
How to Use Jupyter on Your PC
Install Anaconda 3.6 (Link )
Open the anaconda terminal
Type "jupyter notebook" and Enter
If you are interesed, I strongly recommend to you to try on your PC. As I mentioned,
it runs on its own host. When you install on your PC, it will run on localhost:8888.
Use Anaconda for installation. Anaconda is one of Python distributions, which includes Python
and many scientitic and data science packages (NumPy, Scipy, Jupyter).
Plotly Offline & Jupyter (1)
Re-use the offline Plotly codes
Three tweaks:
Plotly.offline.i plot
No output filename
More Info
Let's talk about how to use Plotly on Jupyter. We created offline Plotly charts
with a dummy data. Later, we use create another offline Plotly chart using actual Sierra data.
We will re-use the same codes. We can present the same charts on Jupyter this time with a few tweaks,
(Slide - three tweaks)
We use offline.iplot, instead offline.plot. Because we are working
on our local Jupyter server, we should turn on init_notebook_mode (Connected=True). Finally, we
don't need to specify a filename, because Plotly charts will show up on Jupyter, not on a file.
(Show Jupyter/plotly.ipynb)
Plotly Offline & Jupyter (2)
Three ways to use Plotly on Jupyter
Write a script on a cell and run
Import a script as a module
Use a magic function %run with user inputs
I demonstrated three ways to use Plotly on Jupyter.
Plotly, Sierra SQL, and Jupyter: Summary
Plotly: View
Sierra SQL: Data
Jupyter: Communication
You saw how we can utilize three tools together. Plotly can be used to create
visualizated charts. We can collect library data using Sierra SQL API (circulation transaction,
patron, overdue, bib and items, acq/orders, systerm codes, etc). And we can present the Plotly
charts and Sierra data on Jupyter dynamically. On Jupyter, a browser-based web application,
we may more focus on communicating ideas.
SQL API is not writable. This means that we cannot update records with this API. However,
for creating a report, mostly reading data should be enough. Using it in smart ways,
we can create library data anlytics tools and handle our real-time data interactively.
Good news is that Sierra APIs is "OPEN" services and approachable anytime.
I want to hear your feedback later if this combination does
make sense to you.
What kinds of business and collection analytics do we need?
This is my next question. In many time, we do not get to our point
because we cannot ask a right question? Is our point getting a fancy system which
can do milllion things meticulously and omnipresently? I don't think so. Our local library can
build our own tools that are suitable for their own purpose and in their own context.
Library Business & Data Analytics
Possible to create many analytics tools
Re-run or auto-run
Communicate on a Jupyter
Expired Patrons with Checkouts
InterLibrary Loan Map:
ILL lendings in the last 100 days
ILL partners
Using the techniques shown previously, we can create many analytics tools.
Once we created the tools, we can re-run or auto-run them conveniently. On Jupyter, we can share
data and communicate what we find.
I will share two examples of analytics tools. (Slide)
(Show the code, jupyter/sierra_tools.ipynb)
More data from Sierra:
WebPac usages (search, download)
Non-Sierra data:
Library building usage (gate counter)
Digital repository system
And so on...
Everywhere people talks about data today. We librarians have always handled
data. We can ask where our data is located. (for example, Slide)
We can ask, "can we harvest certain data?" "Is it valuable or not?"
The ultimate goal of analyzing data is to learn
users' interactions with information resource. We can increase the efficiency of library
services when we know how our users and we consumes our resources.
What is the next?
[ Library Data Group ]
Seong Heon Lee,
Finishing the presentation slide last Friday, I asked myself, "what is the next?"
I did not want to finish the presentation with the capital "THE END". Something
came to my mind. There is no end in our exploration of data. So, I decided to form "Library Data Group".
This group will explore various possibilities of using library data and of creating analytics tool.
So, if you are interested in, feel free to send me an email. Basically, starting from what we learned today,
I think we can develop better ideas and tools together.
Thank You.
My 10 year old daughter said that the last THANKS slide is
the most important and so must be pretty. Here we have. THANK YOU.